
Get a Virtual Phone Number Instantly

Get a Canadian or USA number from any state and city below.

Grow your business with eFone's cutting-edge features.
Everything's at your fingertip!


Get a Local Business Phone Number

Get a local business phone number to stay connected to your customers. We offer numbers from all Canadian provinces and US states. Simply choose which number you want and start using it instantly.

Get a Local Number

Transfer Your Existing Number

Port in your existing phone number. We can help you switch from any carrier or VoIP provider.

Transfer a Number

Your New Number Is Just Few Steps Away

Call and text on your business number from any device with the eFone phone app.

We charge $20 to port a number.

On our side, we complete the process within 3-5 days. However, the process can take longer if we need more information, get the wrong information from you, or have problems with your carrier. However, we aim to sort these problems out as soon as possible!

From the phone numbers page, or during sign-up, you can request to transfer your number, and we will start the process for you..

If you still have questions that aren't answered here, our customer support is available 24/7 – visit our contact page for details on how to reach us by phone, chat, and email. Alternatively, you can raise a ticket via the app, if you're already a customer.

  • You can get your Canadian number account number by calling us on our helpline (905-867-9998).
  • We will verify your credentials and respond to you with your account number.
  • If your good standing with no past-due balance, we will give it to you over the phone or send an SMS.

Port can be rejected for the following reasons:

  • Pervious carrier always verifies the port by sending the confirmation text message which must be responded with 1 hour and the customer failed to respond it on time. The customer must reply with YES to confirm the port.
  • The following information is not valid.
  • Verify the phone number that is being ported.
  • The number has been canceled by the previous carrier.
  • Account number, address, or other information given by the customer is different from the previous carrier.